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Give us an assignment! 

Have us select shirts, ties, belts and cufflinks to go with the clothing that we’ve made you in the past.

With a complete record of every item of clothing ever made for every single client, including a swatch of each outfit, attached to the original order, we’re perfectly positioned to match shirts or ties to clothing that we made you last year or 20 years ago!

Look in the jacket pocket for the order number of that particular item, which corresponds to the order # in your file, thereby giving us the ability to continue to coordinate
Many clients will ask us to select a dozen ties to go with their last 6 suits and may like them all, but with the option to return any that don’t appeal to them.  We have a 99% rate at selecting ties that don’t come back.  Literally only 3 or 4 a year!

With hundreds of ties to choose from, and thousands of shirt fabrics, we’re bound to get a better match than you ever could by buying shirts or ties without having your suits with you. 
This is just one more reason to have one’s clothing custom made.   Can you imagine someone hauling their wardrobe around on a weekend trying to find ties to match?